Virtual School Meanderings

May 4, 2021

Secondary and area school leaders wellbeing research released

An interesting read for my Kiwi readers to finish the day.

School leaders wellbeing research released  

You are receiving this email because you are a PPTA Te Wehengarua member principal

Kate Gainsford

Tēnā koe,

Today we have released the results from the Deakin University wellbeing research on Secondary and Area school leaders.

We would like to again thank all of you who participated in the 2020 research, in difficult circumstances.

The research reflected that school leaders have a strong sense of commitment to our roles and find our work very meaningful.

We experience significantly high levels of trust, social inclusiveness, organisational justice, and self-efficacy in our workplaces. Not only are these results positive in relation to our own health and wellbeing but they reflect the commitment and contribution that we make as school leaders to creating these positive cultures for the school community.

The research does highlight significant issues of concern. School leaders experience very high demands at work, particularly in the sheer quantity of work, the hours of work and the tension of not being able to focus enough on teaching and learning.

The highest cause stress for school leaders that related specifically to students was managing mental health issues of students. We know that there are complex difficult issues in this space that have been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Secondary Principals’ Council has made recommendations in response to the report for, improved access to professional support, co-ordination of government changes, improved management and pastoral staffing and improved supports for students with mental health needs. The link to these recommendations is at the end of this email.

The Secondary Principals’ Council in partnership with the PPTA Te Wehengarua is committed to doing its bit to support members in your mahi, this includes:

  • Ongoing funding of the Deakin University wellbeing research for all school leaders and principals.
  • A professional supervision and learning group pilot for PPTA Te Wehengarua member senior leaders and principals.
  • Professional learning opportunities for PPTA Te Wehengarua member senior leaders to upskill in employment relations skills and knowledge.
  • New models for PPTA Te Wehengarua member principals to access direct support on personal employment issues from dedicated legal professionals – launching in term 3 2021.
  • Staffing summit 2021 to highlight innovations and challenges in secondary and area school staffing.
  • Advocacy at a national and policy level as part government and ministry forums including the wellbeing sub-group of the accord, the professional advisory group (PAG) to the Minister of Education, the National Education Leaders group (NELP), and the National Advisory Group for the Leadership Advisory Service.

You can read the full research report here:

NZ Secondary Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Research (PDF)

You can read the recommendations of SPC here:

Principal wellbeing study – key points ( 

Ngā manaakitanga

Kate Gainsford
Chair, Secondary Principals’
Council of Aotearoa

Thank you for being an important part of the PPTA. We value your time.

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April 1, 2021

PPTA Collective News – Promise to New Teachers, eLearning taskforce, PLD co-ordinator vacancy

An item for my Kiwi readers.  Note the details around the eLearning advisory group.

PPTA Collective News

Latest update – 31/03/2021

You are receiving this email because you are a PPTA Te Wehengarua branch chair or secretary.
Please share it with your branch members.

Relaunch of Promise to New Teachers 

Promise to New Teachers

The Promise to New Teachers is a way for boards of trustees, principals and school communities to show responsibility for the future of the profession. By signing this promise  your school community demonstrates a shared mutual commitment to new teachers in your school.

The Promise was originally developed in 2017 at a time when 77% of new teachers were employed on temporary contracts. The number of new teachers in temporary contracts has decreased to 61% in 2019, which is a good start, but the problem is by no means fixed.

The purpose of the relaunch is to ask schools who signed in 2017 to re-commit and for those who have not yet signed to join the community of schools committing to this kaupapa of care for beginning teachers.  Visit our website for further information and resources.

The Promise to New Teachers ( 

eLearning advisory group – call for nominations from eLearning networks

The main work of this taskforce will be to help develop provisions for eDeans and eTeachers in the STCA, and for ePrincipals in the SPCA, and to consider best practice guidelines for eLearning and/or remote learning policy.

The taskforce will operate in 2021 and will consist of representatives of the following roles in eLearning networks:

  • ePrincipals,
  • eDeans, and
  • eTeachers (at least one of whom will hold both eTeacher and eDean roles).

The taskforce members will represent to the greatest degree possible geographical spread and different kinds of schools.

Nominations close at 5 pm on April 9, 2021. 

A nomination form is available at the link below:

eLearning advisory group – call for nominations ( 

Please email for further information.

National Coordinator – Professional Development Fund for Secondary School Teachers

PPTA Te Wehengarua is seeking a national coordinator for the Professional Development Fund for Secondary School Teachers.

This is an exciting opportunity to lead an important initiative between NZPPTA and the Ministry of Education.

The position is based in the association’s national office in Wellington and is to provide co-ordination of, and leadership in, the PLD Fund.  This is a fixed-term position, as the government funding was provided, in 2020, for a four-year term.

Applications close 5pm, April 23

Further information is available on the PPTA Te Wehengarua website at the link below:

National Coordinator – Professional Development Fund for Secondary School Teachers ( 

For a job description and application form email

For queries about this position contact PPTA Te Wehengarua general secretary Michael Stevenson

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Contact us ( 

Thank you for being an important part of the PPTA. We value your time.


November 22, 2020

PPTA Collective News – Teaching council court action update, Education Conference 2021, NCEA teacher only days, School Guidance Counsellors National Conference and more…

An item for my Kiwi readers.  Note the item about Te Kura near the bottom.

April 19, 2020

PPTA Collective News – Level 3, Covid 19 Information And Support, Distance Learning And More…

An item from my Kiwi readers to begin their week.

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PPTA collective news

You are receiving this email because you are a PPTA branch chair or secretary.
Please share it with your branch members.

Kia ora and welcome to the first Collective news of term 2

Today the prime minister announced detail about what work and life will look like and we move through different alert levels. Here is some initial advice.

PPTA is meeting with the Ministry of Education tomorrow to get answers to your questions and our executive is meeting on Monday evening to decide on our position as we move forward into an as yet unknown future.

We will be monitoring implications for the education sector closely and advocating for the health and safety of members, students and communities.

The prime minister’s announcement 

Under Alert Level 3 schools will be open for students up to and including year 10.

However the prime minister has made it clear that students and teachers who are able to, should remain home.

The decision about whether we will move to level 3 will be made on Monday, and schools will not reopen immediately.

If schools are to open on 29 April, as foreshadowed by the Minister of Education last week, they will have time to consider how many and which teachers do come in to staff the school and supervise the students who attend.

We understand you have many questions about how this might work. Schools will need time to work on this and we will need to get clarification on some aspects from the Ministry of Education.

Vulnerable teachers and bubbles with a vulnerable person

The Director General of Health has said that the safety of the people in your bubble is paramount. We support his guidance and will support any member who is unable to physically be present at school due to either being vulnerable themselves or in a bubble with a vulnerable person.

In the meantime, here is some information you may find useful about Covid-19, working from home and your local field office contacts.

A one stop Covid-19  advice shop 

PPTA has put together a collection of advice and resources to help members navigate working during the pandemic. You can find this on the front page of the PPTA website.

COVID-19: all our advice in one place ( 

Working from home 

By now you will all be getting into distance teaching and learning. The feedback we’ve had so far is that many of you are enjoying connecting with your students again, despite the challenges posed by distance and technology.

Here at PPTA national office, we’ve been working hard with the Ministry of Education to make sure everything possible is in place to support you in your work.

Keeping students engaged in their learning and connected to their teachers and classmates while they are at home is an important task, and we know it won’t be business as usual for teaching and learning. Methods, workloads and expectations will all need to be adapted to fit the unprecedented situation we find ourselves in and PPTA will support you in making the changes you need to. More information is available on our Covid-19 advice page.

Working from home ( 

PPTA field officer changes for Wellington, Wairarapa, Central Plateau and Manawatu/Whanganui regions

If you are in the Wellington, Wairarapa, Central Plateau or Manawatu/Whanganui regions, your field officer contacts have changed. They are now:

Wellington – Paul Benefield 
Wairarapa – Derek Morris 
Central Plateau, Manawatū-Whanganui Ahmad Osama:

Who is my local field officer?

The field service provides advice and support for regions, branches and individual members and is based in Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North, Christchurch and Dunedin. You can find the contact details for your local field officer on the Contact us page of the PPTA website

Contact your local PPTA field office ( 

PPTA member hotline

PPTA is operating a member hotline where you will be able to direct your enquires to PPTA field officers and national office staff.

The hotline number is 0800 778 243

Kia kaha and keep in touch

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