Virtual School Meanderings

January 4, 2024

Community on smart data and digital technology in education: Michael, all the sessions of the conference on the Digital Education Outlook 2023 have been added

Note these resources from this OECD conference.

Dear Michael,


All the sessions of the online conference “Towards an effective and equitable digital education ecosystem” (13-14 December 2023) have now been published on the community under the Events section.

During the conference, the OECD Digital Education Outlook 2023 has been launched by the OECD SecretaryGeneral Mathias Cormann, together with Country Digital Education Ecosystems and Governancewhich       provides an  overview of 29 countries’ (or jurisdictions’) digital education ecosystem and governance.

Watch the sessions

We wish you a happy New Year!

Sincerely yours,


The OECD/CERI Smart data and digital technology in education Team

December 18, 2023

Online conference: Towards an effective and equitable digital education ecosystem: Michael, thank you for your presence

Note these resources from this OECD conference.


Dear Michael,

Thank you for attending the Online conference: Towards an effective and equitable digital education ecosystem!


You can have access to the recording of the sessions clicking the button here below,

or checking the playlist on Youtube on the EduSkills OECD channel at the following link:

Explore the sessions

December 3, 2023

OLDaily ~ Dec 01, 2023: Diane Ravitch’s Blog: Adam Grant: What We Can Learn From International Assessments

Filed under: virtual school — Michael K. Barbour @ 4:09 pm
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This is an interesting article from Stephen Downes’ Online Learning Daily, and one with so many overtones for folks involved in K-12 distance, online, and blended learning – particularly in the United States.

Diane Ravitch’s Blog: Adam Grant: What We Can Learn From International Assessments
Diane RavitchNational Education Policy Center, 2023/12/01



First, there’s Diane Ravitch’s criticism of PISA: “Real life teaches us that the test scores of 15-year-old students do not predict future economic success for nations. I find it bizarre that people say that America is a great country but its schools are no good. That doesn’t make sense.” Second, there’s a long excerpt from Adam Grant’s New York Times article suggesting a factor in Finland’s and Estonia’s success in PISA ratings: “Those students didn’t have better teachers. They just happened to have the same teacher at least twice in different grades.” I heard Matt Galloway interview Adam Grant on the Current CBC yesterday and wondered about that, especially since I had the same teacher in two successive years (grades 2 and 3) and again in high school.

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]

August 11, 2023

PISA 2025 Learning in the Digital World

This was mentioned in several of the items in last week’s Virtual Schooling in the News.

PISA 2025 Learning in the Digital World


The PISA 2025 Learning in the Digital World assessment measures students’ capacity to engage in an iterative process of knowledge building and problem solving using computational tools. This capacity is demonstrated by effective self-regulated learning while applying computational and scientific inquiry practices.


What is Learning in the Digital World?

Education technologies can transform how students learn because they offer them new opportunities to explore complex phenomena and to create digital representations of their ideas they can tinker with and share with others. Yet, not enough attention has been devoted to teaching the foundational skills and attitudes that students need to develop in order to be active and autonomous users of technology for confronting open-ended, real world problems.

The PISA 2025 Learning in the Digital World assessment focuses on two competencies that are essential to learning with technologies:

  1. self-regulated learning, which refers to the monitoring and control of one’s metacognitive, cognitive, behavioural, motivational and affective processes while learning; and
  2. computational and scientific inquiry practices, which refer to the capacity to use digital tools to explore systems, represent ideas and solve problems with computational logic.

Why is it important for students to be successful learners in the digital world?

As technology advances, it is increasingly important that young people are prepared to take part in a workforce in which computers play an ever-increasing role and to make decisions about how to use technology for acquiring new knowledge and skills. While not everyone will become software engineers, jobs of the future will increasingly require people to interact with computational models and simulated realities, and to solve problems using digital tools. Given the rapid rate of technological change, students today must develop a set of broad skills and perspectives that support lifelong learning in novel and unfamiliar digital environments.

For more information, visit

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