Virtual School Meanderings

August 8, 2023

SITE Interactive 2023 – Reflective Course Evaluations: Impact on Teaching and Learning

As you may have seen yesterday, I mentioned that SITE Interactive 2023 was happening and that I had looked through the schedule to find the K-12 distance, online, and blended learning session.  The fifth one I wanted to blog about was:

Reflective Course Evaluations: Impact on Teaching and Learning

Virtual Poster/Presentation ExhibitID: 62710
  1. Mary Risacher
    Southwest Minnesota State University
  2. Sara Fier
    Northwestern Health Sciences University

Abstract: In an effort to advance/improve the practices of teaching and learning in online and hybrid course formats, the researchers incorporated reflective student course evaluations as a complementary addition to the traditional Likert scale course evaluation. The addition of the reflective evaluation provided students with the opportunity to reflect on the course, provide feedback regarding improvement or potential changes which could lead to improvement in the teaching and learning practices for both the student and instructor. This practice provides an opportunity not only for improvement but a means to nurture student needs and suggestions for improvement leading to deeper course engagement.


I was a little late in getting to this session, so missed most of the content.  However, I did discover that this session was focused solely on higher education.  So I probably shouldn’t have included it in the list of sessions that may be of interest to readers of this space.

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