Virtual School Meanderings

May 18, 2022

AADES 2022 (8-9 August 2022)

Formerly AADES stood for the Australian Association of Distance Education Schools, although now it is just known by the acronym, but they have their next biennial meeting coming up this summer in Adelaide, South Australia.  I’ll be honest and say that I missed the call for proposals, as this is a conference that I have wanted to attend for a number of years and was kind of thinking that this next one might be the one (I guess I’ll have to wait until 2024 now).

They haven’t posted the full program yet, but what has been posted thus far is available here and you can see the full list of invited speakers here.

Anyway, as a conference totally focused on K-12 distance and online learning in Australia, I encourage you to keep an eye on it – and if you’re able to, check it out.

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