Virtual School Meanderings

December 15, 2023

Michael, You Have A New Citation

Filed under: virtual school — Michael K. Barbour @ 12:09 pm
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The second of three items from one of my open scholarship networks.

Michael, we found more citations of your work last week
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The actual citation, which may be of interest, was:

  • Mohamed Ben-mansour

Abstract – This study investigates Moroccan EFL Students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards distance learning. The study tackles students’ learning using Miscrosoft teams, their knowledge about the platform, and the efficiency of this new teaching tool to satisfy their learning needs. The enquiry exerts a quantitative method, using a questionnaire to collect data. The questionnaire was administered to Ibnu Elhaytham High school teachers and students, Kenitra. The study demonstrates that some informants view positively receiving online courses within Covid 19 in Morocco. However, the majority of the students view Microsoft teams as a hinder that stop their leanring abilities. Regarding the highly used strategy in this platform, the study shows that some teachers aren’t ready for this tool because of the lack of training. Implications for Moroccan EFL teachers are provided in this study. Abstract-This study investigates Moroccan EFL Students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards distance learning. The study tackles students’ learning using Miscrosoft teams, their knowledge about the platform, and the efficiency of this new teaching tool to satisfy their learning needs. The enquiry exerts a quantitative method, using a questionnaire to collect data. The questionnaire was administered to Ibnu Elhaytham High school teachers and students, Kenitra. The study demonstrates that some informants view positively receiving online courses within Covid 19 in Morocco. However, the majority of the students view Microsoft teams as a hinder that stop their leanring abilities. Regarding the highly used strategy in this platform, the study shows that some teachers aren’t ready for this tool because of the lack of training. Implications for Moroccan EFL teachers are provided in this study.


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