Virtual School Meanderings

October 17, 2023

NCVirtual E-lert for October 16, 2023 (Progress Reports and AP Join Codes)

An item from a US-based K-12 online learning program.

October 16, 2023

Greetings, everyone!

We have two big items this week. We start with the details on AP Join Codes, and we follow that with action steps you can take with the latest progress report, which was posted on October 12.

Please forward this e-lert to any stakeholders who may need it. They can subscribe to the e-lert here.

AP Join Codes

Our teachers shared their AP Join Codes with students during the first week of class. If students enrolled late or don’t remember the code, have them ask their NCVPS teachers again.

AP Exam Registration Process for Online Students

Students taking AP courses through an online provider, such as NCVPS, must be enrolled in 2 AP Classroom sections (on the College Board’s registration site) for each course taken online. (NOTE: Students taking AP courses face-to-face enroll in only one AP Classroom section. This may potentially cause confusion for students taking both online and face-to-face AP courses.) All NCVPS AP teachers have created their AP Classroom sections (on the College Board’s registration site) and have provided the join code to all students enrolled in their section. AP Coordinators at face-to-face schools create “EXAM ONLY” AP Classroom sections and must provide the join code for that section to students. Joining the “EXAM ONLY” section is necessary for schools to order AP exam materials, but it does not grant students access to AP study resources for the course. NCVPS students must join the AP Classroom section associated with their NCVPS teacher in order to have access to valuable study resources.

AP Exam Fees

North Carolina requires students taking an AP Exam to be enrolled in the corresponding course in order for those students to receive state funding for their exam. Students solely enrolled in an exam-only section for a given AP subject won’t receive funding in this case. For example, students taking AP courses at a virtual school must be enrolled in both the exam-only section at the school where they’ll be taking the exam and a class section for the corresponding course through their virtual school. AP Coordinators at face-to-face schools should confirm that their students are enrolled in both the exam and class section to avoid having their school charged for the corresponding exam registration fees. AP Coordinators should have students not enrolled in the class section contact their NCVPS teacher immediately to get the join code.

Spring Block AP Courses

Students enrolled in spring block classes will not be able to join the NCVPS AP Classroom section until after our spring semester starts. Look for those details in January 2024.

Progress Report Action Steps

NCVPS posts progress report grades every two weeks (weekly during the summer) in the NCVPS registration system.  Here are a few important action steps you can take with each report:

  • Access the Report – Progress reports are posted in the NCVPS registration system. See our Guide for Accessing Grade Reports for details. For complete details on our grading guidelines, visit our Grades and Testing Quick Reference Guide. Schools have access to our posted progress reports. Parents, facilitators, and mentors can use the Canvas App for Parents to monitor student progress.
  • Check Student Progress – If you have any underperforming students, we have several supports ready for you. Students have time to improve their grades, but they should start immediately. If students aren’t showing mastery (80%+), they can use some support.
  • Check Teacher Comments – Our teachers will request data that they need from the school, like parent contact information and IEP/504 modifications. They may need the school to contact students if they have stopped logging into the course and do not respond to teacher communications.
  • Reach Out to NCVPS Teachers – Reach out to our teachers for your students who need help. Our teachers have a number of support plans and will work with students to help them catch up.
  • Return to Campus – If students are working off campus, consider bringing them back into a lab until they are passing. Logging in consistently and working are key to student success.

We have several levels of support for students:

  • Student Help Page – If students are having any problems at all and aren’t sure where to find help, they should visit our Student Help page. They are never more than two clicks away from help!
  • Peer Tutoring Center – Do not let this resource go unutilized for any student who needs help. There is a link to the Peer Tutoring Center in every course.
  • Teacher Communications – Students do not always advocate for themselves very well. Go ahead and reach out to the NCVirtual teacher to see if adjustments can be made for struggling students. Our teachers are eager to help.
  • Intervention Strategies – NCVirtual has a list of intervention strategies for districts and schools to follow. These are good for any low-performing, under-performing, or at-risk students. Visit our Intervention Strategies page for details.
  • Guide for Parents and Mentors – Most students have someone who wants to help them. It might be a parent, other relative, friend, minister, coach, or mentor, but they don’t know how to help. Try to get our Guide for Parents and Mentors into their hands. It might be the exact kind of help your student needs.
  • Virtual Support Center – If you have a complicated support question or problem and don’t know where to start, open Virtual Support Center ticket. We will escalate your ticket to the right person. Be sure to include the student’s name, PowerSchool ID number, and your school name. If your ticket is about a specific course, please include the course name and teacher name.

News & Updates

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Current Enrollment Options

We still have a number of enrollment options for Fall 2023. See our Current Enrollment Options message for details.

Sharing IEP Accommodations with NCVPS Teachers

We have a new process for sharing IEP accommodations with your NCVPS teachers, and we have an action step that requires your attention. See our IEP Accommodations announcement.

Previous News & Updates

Reserve and Flexible Funds Requests

Co-Teaching/Blended Course for Our Classroom Teachers

NCVPS In-Real-Time Pilot

AP Join Codes

No-Show Reporting

CTE Internships 

OCS Enrollments – Adding a Second Classroom Teacher

TOT2 (Teacher Online Training) Registration Is Open

Current Reporting

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What Grades Are Currently Posted?

October 12 – Progress Report Posted in the Registration System

What’s Next on the Schedule?

October 19 – Final Grades for 1st Session Early Start Health and Early Start PE Posted in the NCVPS Registration System

October 26 – Progress Report Posted in the Registration System

Progress Report Action Steps

What should your action steps be with our progress reports? We’re glad you asked! Visit our Progress Report Action Steps page for all the details.

A Snapshot of NCVirtual Grading Guidelines

See our Snapshot of NCVirtual Grading Guidelines for a quick overview of NCVirtual’s grading and testing policies and procedures. Please note that NCVirtual teachers must adhere to the NCVirtual grading guidelines, practices, and procedures which can be found in our Grading and Testing Quick Reference Guide. NCVirtual teachers cannot adjust their NCVirtual grading guidelines, practices, and procedures based on a local school’s or district’s policy.

Reporting Overview

See our Grades and Testing Quick Reference Guide for an overview of our reporting. We have details on our Student Status (No-Show) Reports, Progress Reports, Final Grade Reports, and how we calculate grades.

Did you miss an e-lert? Check out our previous news items and updates below.


School Support

2023-2024 Guide
Grade Reporting
Office Hours
Edvantage Tutoring
Home and Private Schools
ELA Orientation

Engage More with NCVirtual

Professional Development
Partnership Program
Digital Transition Webinars
Virtual Schools Network

Student Life

Get Involved! NCVirtual offers many ways students can participate in extra-curricular activities. Check out our Culture Cafe series, the iWorkNC speaker series, our various clubs, and free tutoring! See our Student Life page for details.

Connecting with Parents

As virtual learning has become a part of everyday learning for most families across North Carolina, many parents, guardians, and mentors continue to struggle with how to support their online learners in blended and online classes. To provide resources and strategies for how to support not only our NCVirtual students, but all online learners in North Carolina, NCVirtual has created two Supporting Online Students (SOS) video courses in Canvas. Both courses are free, open to the public, and do not require login credentials. Please share both links with your educational communities and parent networks.
 Supporting Students – All NC
The first course, Supporting Online Students – All NC, is general in nature and is designed for parents, guardians, and mentors of any student who is participating in a blended or online course or is enrolled in a fully online program regardless of school or grade level.
Supporting Students – NCVPS
The second course, Supporting Online Students – NCVirtual, is specific to NC Virtual and includes specific examples, demonstrations, and resources for NC Virtual parents, guardians, and mentors.

Get Our Apps!

NCVirtual has a mobile app, and Canvas has two mobile apps and a web portal. What does each one do? We’re glad you asked! Here you go:

NCVirtual App: Stay connected with what’s happening at NCVirtual. Think of these as “front office” notifications.

Canvas Apps and Web Portal: Connect with a student’s course, see grades, due dates, pacing guides, and message the teacher.

Check out the guide on our Mobile Apps page to see when and where it’s best to use each app or portal.

Mobile Apps

Thank you, everyone!

Your North Carolina students appreciate your dedication and hard work!

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North Carolina Virtual Public School | 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 130Raleigh, NC 27609

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