Virtual School Meanderings

April 27, 2023

Online by Choice: Design Options for Flexible K-12 Learning – Pre-Sale Discount

Stephanie Moore and I have been working on a book…  This book:

And last week we were notified about a pre-sale discount that we could share during this short window.  See below for details.

Barnes & Noble is hosting a 25% off sale on yet-to-be published books next week from 4/26-4/28, and your book is eligible! By using promo code PREORDER25 at checkout, customers will get 25% off your forthcoming book. I’ve included direct link to your book below. You can also just share the link and discount code with your community in any way if you prefer.

Preorder your copy of Online by Choice: Design Options for Flexible K-12 Learning between April 26 and April 28 on and get 25% off! 

Online by Choice

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