Virtual School Meanderings

February 27, 2023

2023 AECT International Convention and Call for Proposals

This call may be of interest to some of my readers, as they do have a Distance Learning Division and a Teacher Education Division that have both been quite friendly to proposals related to K-12 distance, online, and/or blended learning.

Dear Michael Barbour,

You are receiving this message because you are listed as a contributor for our past 2022 convention held in Las Vegas and we hope you can join us for our 2023 AECT International Convention, ‘AECT 100: Reflections and Transformations‘, being held in Orlando, Florida. The 2023 convention marks 100 years as an organization and we are looking forward to a great celebration!

The Call for Proposals is nearing closure but you still have until February 26th to submit your proposal. To review the call go to

If you are planning to submit proposal you will login at

We hope you will submit a proposal, but if not, mark your calendar for October 16-20, 2023 and set a destination for Orlando, Florida for ‘AECT 100: Reflections and Transformations

Hoping to see you there!

AECT Convention Services

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