Virtual School Meanderings

June 28, 2024

EDEN DLE Newsflash – June 2024

The first of two items from our European colleagues may be of interest to some of my academic readers.

EDEN 2024 Research Workshop &

PhD Schools Masterclass

Politehnica University Timisoara, Romania

16-18 October 2024

Call For Papers and Registration

EDEN 2024 Research Workshop & PhD Schools Masterclass will be held in Politehnica University Timisoara, Romania, next 16-18 October 2024. The main topic of the event is “Emerging Technologies, Challenges and Opportunities in Education and Research” which will provide a comprehensive exploration of the latest advancements and challenges in educational technology, with a special focus on the integration of AI in education, European University Alliances and their roles in research and digital education, the burgeoning concept of micro-education and microcredentials, as well as the application of AR/VR technologies in educational settings. Find more information about EDEN 2024 Research Workshop & PhD Schools Masterclass below.

We are also pleased to invite you to the PhD Schools Masterclass that will be held on 16 October.  PhD Schools Masterclass is a one-day event that includes cutting-edge presentations by outstanding European researchers in digital education, robust discussions, and group interactions navigating the problem field and research questions!

EDEN DLE 2024 Annual Conference at University of Graz, Austria, 16-18 June

Thank you for joining us in Graz!

The 32nd EDEN Annual Conference 2024 took place in Graz University (Austria) June 16-18 hosted by professor Kathrin Marie Otrel-Cass, has attracted participants from 32 countries, including the USA, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, Vietnam and Australia, who submitted 167 submissions – full and concise papers, posters as well as action labs and PhD thesis presentations.

EDEN Graz AC also announced important news for EDEN community – due to the end of term of President Josep M.Duart, the current Member of EDEN DLE Management Board, President electus Wim Van Petegem (KU Leuven, BE) is stepping in October, 2024. 

European Digital Education Hub

My Digital Menu for the Next Academic Year: to Keep it Balanced and Well Chosen

Wednesday July 10 (12:00 – 13:00 CET)

The aim of the event is to reflect on the knowledge developed and the lessons learnt in the field of digital education during the academic year and to put down the take-aways for the next academic year to ensure that digital technologies are applied in education in a balanced way, and that they are well chosen.


Ana Balula, Associate Professor, University of Aveiro, Portugal

  • Presentation: “A short interactive presentation on the factors affecting digital well-being”.

Sandra Vasconcelos, Associate Professor, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

  • Presentation: Ice-breaker activity with the participants. “My favourite ingredient”

Ana Rita Costa, Invited Assistant Professor, University of Aveiro, Portugal

  • Presentation: “Discussing a compass for choosing the digital technology for education“

The European Digital Education Hub (EDEH) is an initiative of the European Commission, funded by the Erasmus+ programme (2021-2027) and operated by a consortium of eleven organisations, under a service contract with the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

*Register to July 10 KBA clicking on the link above. Register here first, if you are not already a member of the European Digital Education Hub. Please, register in advance as activation link to join EDEH may take up to 2-3 days.


Mark Brown, EDEN DLE Vice-President, Awarded With Honorary Doctorate by Dutch Open Universiteit

Mark Brown, EDEN DLE Vice-President of Strategy and Communication, has been awarded with an honorary doctorate by Dutch Open Universiteit. He is also professor of Digital Learning and Director of the National Observatory for Digital Education at Dublin City University (Ireland). This recognition is an appreciation of the dedication and outstanding contributions that Mark Brown has offered to the digital education sphere for decades. 

Mark Brown is an inspiration to all PhD Students, researchers, professors and professionals of digital education that are willing to continue creating better futures for all. The EDEN family would like to congratulate Mark on this major achievement.

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European Commission Corner

EDEN Digital Learning Europe

Kuklase tn 16-12, 13423, Tallinn, Estonia

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