Virtual School Meanderings

June 19, 2024

OTESSA 2024 – Design Principles for K-12 Online Learning: A Comparative Review of Standards and Theoretical Models

The Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association annual conference is happening now and I was involved with a session earlier this morning.  The session is described as:

Session 18.2 | Wildcard

1:15 – 2:15 | Design Principles for K-12 Online Learning: A Comparative Review of Standards and Theoretical Models

Randy LaBonte | Canadian eLearning Network
Elizabeth Childs | Royal Roads University
Michael K. Barbour | Touro University

Abstract – In 2023, researchers explored the relationship between Design Principles for K-12 Online Learning (Crichton & Childs, 2022) with quality standards for K-12 online learning, publishing a report on the intersection between design principles and standards (LaBonte, et al., 2023). Design principles refer to the fundamental concepts and guidelines that inform the creation and implementation of educational programs, materials, and systems (Kukulska-Hulme & Traxler, 2013), while standards tend to be more discrete, flexible, and responsive to local conditions (Bell, 2003). The Community of Inquiry (COI), a research-based model describing the three interdependent elements of social, cognitive, and teaching presence (Garrison et al., 2000), was used to explore the intersection points between the COI, design principles, and published standards for K-12 online learning. The analysis was used to create a model to further inform revised design principles and support the ongoing development of quality standards and professional development in K-12 online learning programs in Canada and abroad. It is hoped that basing design principles and standards in the context of a research-based model will further develop an understanding of quality in K-12 online learning that can inform practice.

The slides are available below.

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