Virtual School Meanderings

June 10, 2024

Education Equity is Gaining Traction

This item from Pennsylvania should be of interest to readers.


Sixteen-year-old Tyresse from Philadelphia worked up the nerve to speak to his state representative and said, “we need for more teachers, athletics, art classes, and other opportunities, not just for me but for the students who come after me.” For decades hopeful students like Tyresse implored state lawmakers to fund public schools.  BREAKING NEWS — Last week, the state took a giant step toward answering their pleas.

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives responded to the imperative set by the state courts and made headway in passing HB 2370This bill will deliver funds to public schools, fairly and adequately, finally. Every Democratic Representative and two Republicans moved the measure toward passage with 104 votes for what is called 2nd Consideration positioning the bill for a final vote on Monday June 10th. You can find the vote tally here: House Roll Calls – 2023 RCS# 1186 – PA House of Representatives ( If your representative voted yes, thank them for believing in the potential of every student. We want to give a special shout out to Democratic Leaders who made this bill a priority, Joanna McClinton, Matt Bradford, Pete Schweyer, and Mike Sturla, and to the two wise Republicans, K.C. Tomlinson and Joe Hogan, who broke with their party to expand educational opportunity for students in Pennsylvania.


HB 2370 takes a comprehensive approach directing urgently needed state funds to the most under-resourced public schools where one million of the state’s students are educated. Soon these schools will have funds to reduce their class sizes, attract great teachers, hire counselors, update curricula, offer students enrichment options and repair hazards in their facilities – all the ingredients of educational success.


The bill also recognizes that the decades of state underfunding for public education means that property tax bills are highest in the communities where incomes are lowest. That’s why the lawmakers made sure this wholistic package also provides resources to curb property tax increases that are causing a death spiral in these hard hit communities.


HB 2370 also eliminates fraud and abuse by regulating cyber schools redirecting wasted spending to meet the real educational needs of students. A startling $21 million in funds legally required to be spent on education were spent by cyber schools for advertising and gift cards last year.


The impact of this fair funding bill will take seven years to be realized. HB 2370 confirms that the Governor and the Pa House agree that in each of the seven years, additional funds must be allocated to public schools to bring the state’s education funding system into constitutional compliance.  And they are committing themselves, in law, to make that happen.


When asked about any “a-ha” moments during his legislative visits, as part of the Children First Justice in Education Youth Leadership Program, Tyresse said that he was really troubled to hear that he’s not the only one being denied a quality education. “Grown-ups should talk with kids, find out what their schools are like, and then tell that to people in power,” he said.


That’s going to happen next week when, with the help of Children First supporters and the other education advocates, the PA House is expected to pass HB 2370, making history and creating opportunity for every student in Pennsylvania.

Be part of making history!  Click here to let your state representative know you support them voting Yes for HB 2370, to Create a Thorough and Efficient System of Public Education!

In PA, one out of four infants were born in 2022 to women who did not receive adequate prenatal care.

Let’s cross the finish line for school funding! 

We’re teaming up with our PA Schools Work coalition to hold virtual phone banks this spring. Sign up for a shift or two and, together, we’ll build a groundswell of support for our children’s education.

“Child care providers have come to me and what they have told me is frightening. Businesses in my community are struggling to find workers because families are struggling to find child care…There’s only one way to a solution – we have to work together.”

– Republican state Senator Dave Argall




990 Spring Garden Street • Suite 600
Philadelphia, PA 19123

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